XSSYA Cross Site Scripting And Vulnerability Confirmation Scanner

XSSYA Cross Site Scripting Scanner & Vulnerability Confirmation written in python scripting language confirm the XSS Vulnerability in two method first work by execute the payload encoded to bypass Web Application Firewall which is the first method  request and response if it respond 200 it turn to Method 2 which search that payload decoded in web page HTML code if it confirmed get the last step which is execute document.cookie to get the cookie.
This tool will help you to scan XSS as manually.

XSSYA Features

* Support HTTPS
* After Confirmation (execute payload to get cookies)
* Can be run in (Windows - Linux)
* Identify 3 types of WAF (Mod_Security - WebKnight - F5 BIG IP)
*XSSYA Continue Library of Encoded Payloads To Bypass WAF (Web Application Firewall)
* Support Saving The Web HTML Code Before Executing 
the Payload Viewing the Web HTML Code into the Screen or Terminal


More details

XSSYA Cross Site Scripting And Vulnerability Confirmation Scanner XSSYA Cross Site Scripting And Vulnerability Confirmation Scanner Reviewed by Unknown on 2/16/2014 Rating: 5
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