How To Hackers Hijacked Google and Defaced It.

DNS Hijacking

Hello Friends ,

(  Navdeep Singh )
here , tOday i Telling you about , hOw Hackers Hijacked Google and defaced iT .

Many Google’s Hijacked and g0t defaced by Many Hackers , but some no00bs HaCkers dont knOw hOw HaCkers defaced g00ogle..  :)

1 ) 1st Of ALL HaCker Scan Google domain registry’s website , Like That =

Then HaCkers Scan The Registry Website , then try to shell iT , After HaCker Shell iT , then he’s try to lOgin the admin Panel , and Changed all Namerservers Of d0mains and Point to his hOsting , and then defaced iT , Thats Called G00ogle HijaCked..  :)  

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How To Hackers Hijacked Google and Defaced It. How To Hackers Hijacked Google and Defaced It. Reviewed by Unknown on 12/12/2015 Rating: 5
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