Dorks For Sqli Website And Admin Page

Dorks For Sqli, Google Dorks List, Dorks For Admin Page, Google queries for locating various Web servers, Google Hacking

List Of Google Dorks For SQL Injection

SQL Injection

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  • inurl:shop_category.php?id=
  • inurl:transcript.php?id=
  • inurl:channel_id=
  • inurl:item_id=
  • inurl:newsid=
  • inurl:trainers.php?id=
  • inurl:news-full.php?id=
  • inurl:news_display.php?getid=
  • inurl:index2.php?option=
  • inurl:readnews.php?id=
  • inurl:top10.php?cat=
  • inurl:newsone.php?id=
  • inurl:event.php?id=
  • inurlroduct-item.php?id=
  • inurl:sql.php?id=
  • inurl:aboutbook.php?id=
  • inurl:review.php?id=
  • inurl:loadpsb.php?id=
  • inurl:ages.php?id=
  • inurl:material.php?id=
  • inurl:clanek.php4?id=
  • inurl:announce.php?id=
  • inurl:chappies.php?id=
  • inurl:read.php?id=
  • inurl:viewapp.php?id=
  • inurl:viewphoto.php?id=
  • inurl:rub.php?idr=
  • inurl:galeri_info.php?l=
  • inurl:review.php?id=
  • inurl:iniziativa.php?in=
  • inurl:curriculum.php?id=
  • inurl:labels.php?id=
  • inurl:story.php?id=
  • inurl:look.php?ID=
  • inurl:newsone.php?id=
  • inurl:aboutbook.php?id=
  • inurl:material.php?id=
  • inurlpinions.php?id=
  • inurl:announce.php?id=
  • inurl:rub.php?idr=
  • inurl:galeri_info.php?l=
  • inurl:tekst.php?idt=
  • inurl:newscat.php?id=
  • inurl:newsticker_info.php?idn=
  • inurl:rubrika.php?idr=
  • inurl:rubp.php?idr=
  • inurlffer.php?idf=
  • inurl:art.php?idm=
  • inurl:title.php?id=

Google queries for locating various Web servers

“Apache/1.3.28 Server at” intitle:index.of
Apache 1.3.2
“Apache/2.0 Server at” intitle:index.of
Apache 2.0
“Apache/* Server at” intitle:index.of
any version of Apache
“Microsoft-IIS/4.0 Server at” intitle:index.of
Microsoft Internet Information Services 4.0
“Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Server at” intitle:index.ofMicrosoft Internet Information Services 5.0
“Microsoft-IIS/6.0 Server at” intitle:index.of
Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0
“Microsoft-IIS/* Server at” intitle:index.of
any version of Microsoft Internet Information Services
“Oracle HTTP Server/* Server at” intitle:index.of
any version of Oracle HTTP Server
“IBM _ HTTP _ Server/* * Server at” intitle:index.of
any version of IBM HTTP Server
“Netscape/* Server at” intitle:index.of
any version of Netscape Server
“Red Hat Secure/*” intitle:index.of
any version of the Red Hat Secure server
“HP Apache-based Web Server/*” intitle:index.of
any version of the HP server
Queries for discovering standard post-installation
intitle:”Test Page for Apache Installation” “You are free”
Apache 1.2.6
intitle:”Test Page for Apache Installation” “It worked!” “this Web site!”
Apache 1.3.0 – 1.3.9
intitle:”Test Page for Apache Installation” “Seeing this instead”
Apache 1.3.11 – 1.3.33, 2.0
intitle:”Test Page for the SSL/TLS-aware Apache Installation” “Hey, it worked!”
Apache SSL/TLS
intitle:”Test Page for the Apache Web Server on Red Hat Linux”
Apache on Red Hat
intitle:”Test Page for the Apache Http Server on Fedora Core”
Apache on Fedora
intitle:”Welcome to Your New Home Page!”
Debian Apache on Debian
intitle:”Welcome to IIS 4.0!”
IIS 4.0
intitle:”Welcome to Windows 2000 Internet Services”
IIS 5.0

intitle:”Welcome to Windows XP Server Internet Services”
IIS 6.0
Querying for application-generated system reports
“Generated by phpSystem”

operating system type and version, hardware configuration, logged users, open connections, free memory and disk space, mount points
“This summary was generated by wwwstat”
web server statistics, system file structure
“These statistics were produced by getstats”
web server statistics, system file structure
“This report was generated by WebLog”
web server statistics, system file structure
intext:”Tobias Oetiker” “traffic analysis”
systemperformance statistics as MRTG charts, network configuration
intitle:”Apache::Status” (inurl:server-status | inurl:status.html | inurl:apache.html)
server version, operating system type, child process list, current connections
intitle:”ASP Stats Generator *.*” “ASP Stats Generator” “2003-2004 weppos”
web server activity, lots of visitor information
intitle:”Multimon UPS status page”
UPS device performance statistics
intitle:”statistics of” “advanced web statistics”
web server statistics, visitor information
intitle:”System Statistics” +”System and Network Information Center”

system performance statistics as MRTG charts, hardware configuration, running services
intitle:”Usage Statistics for” “Generated by Webalizer”
web server statistics, visitor information, system file structure
intitle:”Web Server Statistics for ****”
web server statistics, visitor information
nurl:”/axs/” -script
web server statistics, visitor information
MRTG charts of network interface performance
inurl:server-info “Apache Server Information”
web server version and configuration, operating system type, system file structure
“Output produced by SysWatch *”
operating system type and version, logged users, free memory and disk space, mount points, running processes, system logs

dork for finding admin page

  • admin1.php
  • admin1.html
  • admin2.php
  • admin2.html
  • yonetim.php
  • yonetim.html
  • yonetici.php
  • yonetici.html
  • admin/account.php
  • admin/account.html
  • admin/index.php
  • admin/index.html
  • admin/login.php
  • admin/login.html
  • admin/home.php
  • admin/controlpanel.html
  • admin/controlpanel.php
  • admin.php
  • admin.html
  • admin/cp.php
  • admin/cp.html
  • cp.php
  • cp.html
  • administrator/
  • administrator/index.html
  • administrator/index.php
  • administrator/login.html
  • administrator/login.php
  • administrator/account.html
  • administrator/account.php
  • administrator.php
  • administrator.html
  • login.html
  • modelsearch/login.php
  • moderator.php
  • moderator.html
  • moderator/login.php
  • moderator/login.html
  • moderator/admin.php
  • moderator/admin.html
  • account.php
  • account.html
  • controlpanel/
  • controlpanel.php
  • controlpanel.html
  • admincontrol.php
  • admincontrol.html
  • adminpanel.php
  • adminpanel.html
  • admin1.asp
  • admin2.asp
  • yonetim.asp
  • yonetici.asp
  • admin/account.asp
  • admin/index.asp
  • admin/login.asp
  • admin/home.asp
  • admin/controlpanel.asp
  • admin.asp
  • admin/cp.asp
  • cp.asp
  • administrator/index.asp
  • administrator/login.asp
  • administrator/account.asp
  • administrator.asp
  • login.asp
  • modelsearch/login.asp
  • moderator.asp
  • moderator/login.asp
  • moderator/admin.asp
  • account.asp
  • controlpanel.asp
  • admincontrol.asp
  • adminpanel.asp
  • fileadmin/
  • fileadmin.php
  • fileadmin.asp
  • fileadmin.html
  • administration/
  • administration.php
  • administration.html
  • sysadmin.php
  • sysadmin.html
  • phpmyadmin/
  • myadmin/
  • sysadmin.asp
  • sysadmin/
  • ur-admin.asp
  • ur-admin.php
  • ur-admin.html
  • ur-admin/
  • Server.php
  • Server.html
  • Server.asp
  • Server/
  • wp-admin/
  • administr8.php
  • administr8.html
  • administr8/
  • administr8.asp
  • webadmin/
  • webadmin.php
  • webadmin.asp
  • webadmin.html
  • administratie/
  • admins/
  • admins.php
  • admins.asp
  • admins.html
  • administrivia/
  • Database_Administration/
  • WebAdmin/
  • useradmin/
  • sysadmins/
  • admin1/
  • system-administration/
  • administrators/
  • pgadmin/
  • directadmin/
  • staradmin/
  • ServerAdministrator/
  • SysAdmin/
  • administer/
  • LiveUser_Admin/
  • sys-admin/
  • typo3/
  • panel/
  • cpanel/
  • cPanel/
  • cpanel_file/
  • platz_login/
  • rcLogin/
  • blogindex/
  • formslogin/
  • autologin/
  • support_login/
  • meta_login/
  • manuallogin/
  • simpleLogin/
  • loginflat/
  • utility_login/
  • showlogin/
  • memlogin/
  • members/
  • login-redirect/
  • sub-login/
  • wp-login/
  • login1/
  • dir-login/
  • login_db/
  • xlogin/
  • smblogin/
  • customer_login/
  • UserLogin/
  • login-us/
  • acct_login/
  • admin_area/
  • bigadmin/
  • project-admins/
  • phppgadmin/
  • pureadmin/
  • sql-admin/
  • openvpnadmin/
  • wizmysqladmin/
  • vadmind/
  • ezsqliteadmin/
  • hpwebjetadmin/
  • newsadmin/
  • adminpro/
  • Lotus_Domino_Admin/
  • bbadmin/
  • vmailadmin/
  • ccp14admin/
  • irc-macadmin/
  • banneradmin/
  • sshadmin/
  • phpldapadmin/
  • macadmin/
  • administratoraccounts/
  • admin4_account/
  • admin4_colon/
  • radmind-1/
  • Super-Admin/
  • AdminTools/
  • cmsadmin/
  • phpSQLiteAdmin/
  • server_admin_small/
  • database_administration/
  • system_administration/
Dorks For Sqli Website And Admin Page Dorks For Sqli Website And Admin Page Reviewed by Unknown on 1/22/2015 Rating: 5

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