What Is Google Hacking/Dorks

Goolge Hacking, Google Dorks, What Is Google Hacking, What Is Google Dorks, 
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What is Google hacking?

Google hacking involves using advance operator in the Google search engine to extract useful information that a normal user can’t extract from a website .
Let me make it more clearer ,Google hacking doesn’t mean that we are going to

Hack the Google websites but it means that we are using certain operators that are provided by Google to narrow down are searches or search more efficiently.

Don’t know how hackers uses Google dorks then so,here i am going to explain you how hackers uses Google Dorks to create complex queries and extract information that a normal user can’t extract from a particular website.

These operators are also know as “Google Dorks” and can be used by hacker’s.

I hope you have got clear idea of Google hacking and Google dorks

Here i have listed some of the most Basic Dorks and it’s uses:

1) Site:

It restricts the search results to a specific domain only that is when it is used it will return all the pages and sub-domains of the specific Domain.

Syntax: site: domain name

For example:

site: securitykiller.org will return all the webpages of domain www.securitykiller.org.
site: securitykiller.org hacking will return all the webpages of domain www.securitykiller.org which contains word “hacking”

2) intitle:

It restricts the search results to a specific keyword or phrase

Syntax: intitle: word/keyword

 For example:

intitle: hacking will return all sites with a keyword hacking in there title.
intitle: hacking phishing will return all the sites that contain hacking in there title and phishing keyword anywhere in the page

3) allintitle:

It’s almost similar to the intitle dork.The only difference between intitle and allintitle is that allintitle will restrict the results to display all the keywords or collection of keywords in the title whereas intitle is used to narrow search only for specific single keyword.

Syntax: allintitle: keyword1 keyword2 

For example:
allintitle: hacking phishing will return all sites with  “hacking phishing” in there title.

4) inurl:

It restricts the results to site whose url contains specific keyword or phrase.

Syntax: inurl: keyword

For example:
inurl: hacking will return all sites with a keyword hacking in there url.

5) allinurl:

It’s almost similar to the inurl dork.The only difference between allinurl and inurl is that allinurl will restrict the results to display all the keywords or collection of keywords in the url whereas inurl is used to narrow search only for specific single keyword in the url.

syntax: allinurl: keyword
For example:
allinurl: hacking phishing will return all the result that have hacking and phishing in there url

6) related:
When used it will display all the sites that is related to the site that is used with related dork.

Syntax: related: www.domain name

For example:
realted: www.mobivox.com will return all the similar sites related to free/cheap calling facilities(mobivox is a site that provides free/cheap calling facilities)

7) cache:

It will display all the cached version of a website or webpages that is kept with Google

Syntax: cache: www.domain name

For example: cache: www.tectechnik.com will return the cached version of techtechnik.com

8) ext or filetype:

It will show all the sites that contain specific filetype.

Syntax: ext: extension of file type

For example: ext: pdf hacking will return the hacking sites which have pdf files in them.

9) intext:

It will show all the sites that have a specific word or text in there page.

Syntax: in text: text

For example: in text: hacking will return all the websites that have hacking text in there pages.

10) +:

It is used to display the series of text .

syntax: word1+word2

For example: phishing+hacking will display all the result that contain both words i.e phishing and hacking.
These Dork’s when used wisely are really helpful to hackers as they can use dorks to find the vulnerable sites!

Here are list of some Google dorks you can play with:

1. Dork For Sql Injection, Admin Page,Google queries for locating various Web servers.


google hacking, google dorks, what is google hacking, how to hack google, Dork list, cc dorks, How To Hack Google DB, google Db Hack

What Is Google Hacking/Dorks What Is Google Hacking/Dorks Reviewed by Unknown on 12/18/2015 Rating: 5
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